Friday, September 12, 2008

Another Week Closer to Solvency.

Today was a lovely day from start to finish. KidThree had a bit of a triumph at school. She got nominated (by teachers!) to be one of two student representatives who assist the school staff in deciding how funds for the school are spent and help with some other issues relating to the students. She was so thrilled! For so long, personnel at her various schools have looked at her as a 'problem child'; she is a little confused now at being considered someone with something valuable to contribute. She likes the feeling, but definitely isn't accustomed to it. KidThree is more comfortable being treated as a problem, as she knows how to respond to that attitude. Approval from someone other than her grandmother and me is taking her some time to get used to. As for me, I am having so much fun sitting back and watching all of this--I always knew this terrific girl was hidden inside that hostile exterior and am having a wonderful time watching the rest of the world learn the truth about my lovely, intelligent, talented girl.

This morning I watched BabyJ. We went for a walk around the block so BabyJ could explore his little world. He played with rocks and sand and bark along the way, and had a wonderful time running back and forth on the curb cuts. At one point, he took a couple of pieces of bark from a decorative border, then I told him to put them back. He thought for a minute, then carefully put the two pieces back where he got them. Then he just as carefully picked up two other pieces of bark that had also gotten on the wrong side and put them back where they belonged. After that, he picked up a leaf. After contemplating the leaf for a minute, he apparently decided it was not the same category as bark and could go right back on the sidewalk where he found it. I do so love watching the wheels in his head turn as he works out for himself how and where and why things should be.

After lunch, I took BabyJ on a longer walk, this time with the stroller. We stopped at the firehouse to ask for another firefighter's hat, as his old one had gotten torn. The folks at the firehouse are so lovely. There was an older man there, also named J, who had a good time playing with the hats with BabyJ. BabyJ got two hats this visit, and a junior firefighter sticker. Then BabyJ and I headed off to a nearby playground, where he found some toys in the sand and began playing with them. Another little boy, about age four, came over to us, saying, "excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, um, um, I think those are mine!" I told him that it was very nice of him to let BabyJ play with them, which nonplussed him for a moment. He said something else, to which I responded, "I'll make sure he takes good care of them." At that, the little boy relaxed, grinned, and shouted, "thank you, your highness!" Oh but that was funny. His mama, sitting off a little with another woman, laughed and laughed, as did I. I told his mama that I had tried to be incognito but the little guy blew my cover.

A little later, that same little boy asked another boy if he could play with one of the other boy's trucks, but the other boy wouldn't share. The first little boy got distressed at this and didn't quite know what to do. So, I asked him if he would like a fire hat. His face brightened up but he was a little puzzled, as he didn't see any fire hats around. I went over to BabyJ's stroller and got one of the two new fire hats and gave it to the little guy, at which he grinned broadly and happily put it on his head, then headed over to show the boy who wouldn't share. Maybe next time, that second little boy will share. It's never too early to learn that karma will always get you in the end.

KidTwo texted a little bit yesterday from down south. My next cell phone bill will probably be stratospheric, because I was happy to hear from her and texted back and forth with her for a few minutes. My plan comes with unlimited texting, but somehow I'm sure the fine print excludes texts to another continent.

Tomorrow is a Senior Center day, then in the evening I'm going to watch MissA and her brother. I haven't seen them in several months and was almost at the point of emailing their parents to find out if I should bring their carseats back (I have a car seat from them for each child, for those days when I'd pick them up from school). The mother's email said the boy was starting to talk more; I look forward to hearing that. It will be interesting to see if he still makes me think 'autism' when I watch him play. I'll be at home for two hours between the Senior Center and babysitting, so I'll get a little time with KidThree.

Two weeks until the babies.


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