Sunday, September 7, 2008

My Sundays Are Okay Again.

The Saturday New York Times crossword puzzle is in the local paper this morning. I can function again. Earthquake damage fully repaired. Frayed nerves re-knit. Orange alert cancelled. Thank goodness. I can handle this blasted poverty for another month as long as my support structures are firmly in place, and the Thursday through Saturday New York Times crossword puzzles are integral parts of my support system.

Yesterday I confessed to KidThree that I had put an ad on, this because I needed help uploading photos. She was very pleased and helped me put up two from her cell phone camera. Of course, since the photos were on her cell phone, they were her view of me, but they were all that were available that were recent. Maybe today I can have her take some more to see if we can get a couple of good ones. KidThree didn't snicker, either; she has thought for some time that I should be out on the market, that I am a good deal for someone. When we went to the 'No on Eight' meeting, a woman talked to us a minute about a question I had and then later KidThree told me that the woman had sat down next to me and appeared interested. I hadn't even noticed. KidThree was so laughingly frustrated that I hadn't noticed the woman's interest and figured that must be why I have had such a long dry spell--I'm just oblivious. And, not gay. Oh well. Maybe someday.

Today we're going down to the parents' to show them the dvd from the gym. KidThree is very anxious to show them what she learned and to make sure they know their money went to a good cause. We haven't watched the dvd yet; we'll see it for the first time down there.

And I will get a Straw Hat Pizza, large pepperoni, extra toasted, along the way!

Yesterday online I found an article that listed by number how many jabs the candidates took at each other in their speeches and it shows a relatively equal number for both parties. I think my objectivity is less than robust, or maybe the jabs by Palin were just meaner. There was a comment to that effect in the article. Her jabs seemed more contemptuous than humorously mocking. Hmm. Now she is being panned by the liberal channel I watch for having implied she sold the Alaska governor's private jet on eBay when she had actually sold it through a broker. I went back and read the transcript of her speech (because I thought she had said 'put it on eBay,' not 'sold it on eBay') and sure enough, she had said 'put it on eBay.' Apparently it was listed on eBay several times but didn't sell, thus the sale through the broker. So, that one was not a lie on her part. Splitting hairs, okay, but not a lie. However, then McCain has said 'sold it on eBay' and 'made a profit,' both of which are demonstrably not true. I worry for our country if he gets elected to the presidency; he seems to miss so many nuances. The devil is in the details and waiting to bite. I can't imagine Obama or Biden allowing minutiae like that to get past them.

I found another article written by someone of Indian descent that discussed the McCains' essential sequestering of their youngest daughter (adopted from Bangladesh) and the way they introduced her to the public at the convention. The reporter wrote approvingly of the obvious love the family had for their daughter, but questioned the way her backstory was milked for political purposes. I have wondered for some time about the lack of mention of this daughter. Several times I've seen McCain mention his family, listing some by name, but never, ever this youngest, and in photos of the family I've never seen this daughter. Not having her in the photos would not be that noticeable if her absence was explained ('so-and-so was off at school' or something), but she wasn't mentioned--it was almost as though she didn't exist. I hope the McCains don't continue to emphasize the girl's backstory but instead just focus on the wonder and blessing that is their daughter.

It is still hot. Hot, hot, hot. I hate the heat. We have been so relatively lucky this summer, with so few really hot spells, until last month. Then all the heat that hadn't shown up earlier in the season landed on us with a vengeance. I want it to end. Our little air conditioner keeps things tolerable in here, but my oh my it is not the same as as central air. The cool weather can't come soon enough for me. Fall is so wonderful--I love to go driving around, exploring, or just walking around, enjoying the weather. Cool, good. Cold, good. Damp and gray, good. Roasting and sweating and sweltering, BAD.

I'm watching the news right now, where they are showing the projected path of Hurricane Ike. And people worry about earthquakes? People are nuts. Give me an earthquake over a hurricane any day. Follow the building codes. Fasten your water heater and paintings to the walls. Have a safe place and escape plan ready. And stay off bridges.

Yesterday I played in the kitchen, goodness only knows why; it is still much too hot. I've been reading a cookbook about pizzas and savory pies and made a potato kugel from a recipe in it. It was basically a baked potato pancake held together with a binding of egg, milk, and yogurt. It was okay, but not terrific. I think it needs to be thinner, and the potatoes softer, and maybe some flavor added--I'm thinking dill. Next time I'll try it with those alterations and see how it is.

Last night another of KidThree's acquaintances was shot. No news yet as to whether he survived or the extent of his injuries if he did. Sigh.


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