Friday, August 8, 2008

A Lovely Morning.

The weather outside is cool and breezy, so I have all the windows open to get as much fresh air inside as possible. It feels so good to feel the movement of air after eight years of an apartment with no air circulation at all.

Laundry day. Seven loads, with two waiting as there weren't enough quarters. Four loads washed, dried, and folded, with three more spinning around in dryers as I type. Laundry is one of those chores I don't mind at all--it doesn't make me dizzy and has a definite beginning, middle, and end. The dirty laundry always reappears, but each load is a completed task in and of itself.

Yesterday I did get a nap after watching BabyJ, then after KidThree and a friend finished yakking up a storm, that friend went home and I took KidThree out for ice cream. We were given coupons for 'buy one, get one free,' so we have been enjoying a bit more ice cream sundaes than we can usually afford. We have one more we particularly want to use before they all expire in ten days.

Today KidThree goes back to the gym for her second of the five sessions. No visiting after today, as it is Friday and the traffic will be worse earlier in the commute. Tomorrow is my Saturday at the senior center, then Sunday KidThree and I will try to get to see 'The Dark Knight.' Such an exciting life we lead these days!

I'm still enjoying the heck out of the biography of John and Jessie Fremont. Being a native Californian, I'd learned a little about John Fremont, and having cousins in Fremont, CA, made me interested in him in particular, but this book is showing me I knew nothing at all about the man. It seems history has not treated him kindly or fairly, and that politicians have been practising plausible deniability for a very long time.

I'm also reading a bit of Sherlock Holmes, as I found a used paperback of those stories and it is more easily portable than the Fremonts' biography. Sherlock Holmes is not my favorite fictional character and I can see why Sir Arthur Conan Doyle got tired of him. Still, he is fun for a while and I do like reading things that have been spun off from those stories. People have gotten really creative with Holmes as their starting point.

And that is it for this morning. Not much going on and not much to talk about. I'll try to get to the library before it closes to get myself a new bunch of books to read and talk about.


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