Monday, August 11, 2008

Okay, I Finally Took the Plunge.

Yours truly signed up for! Really, I did. Oh my. Out of circulation since 1982, so let's see how it goes. The impetus was CousinC's wedding announcement. CousinC is a year older than I (and much prettier and sweeter, sigh. . .) and found her fella on My parents have met him and approve wholeheartedly.

That is the big news for the day.

Yesterday our lovely spell of cool-ish weather broke and we went back to the usual summer heat. Yuck. Oh well, the cool weather was lovely while it lasted.

Yesterday I took KidThree to visit an out-of-town friend of hers. Because of their respective disabilities, I had to go get the friend and then take the pair to a McDonald's, where I sat at a separate table and read while the kids visited. Before leaving town here, I stopped at the library to grab a book to read while waiting on the kids, as nothing at home interested me at the moment (I was at the beginning of a migraine and hard to please). I grabbed a novel about submarine warfare, "Crush Depth," by an author named Joe Buff. I got through the first half and enjoyed it more than I thought I would, as I was rubbing my temple and right eye while reading. The plot is interesting, which makes up for the mostly formulaic characters, so I'll go ahead and finish the book. Being a former sailor (albeit not in submarines), I do enjoy novels with a nautical theme.

Today KidThree and I head back to the gym and then to visit the parents, with whom we will have dinner before heading back home.

And that is all I can think of to say right now. That migraine yesterday was the first I've had in a year or so and I'm still recovering.


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