Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Got Some More Stuff Done.

This morning I had a good time watching BabyJ for several hours; he is such a sweetheart. While we were outside walking around the block, we saw the little claw truck scooting around the street, picking up piles of clippings and trimmings, then putting it in the big truck. That was a lot of fun; we ended up following it for an entire block so we could keep watching it. When the two trucks left the block, BabyJ got cheerful good-bye waves from both the drivers. A little further on in our walk, BabyJ found a pine cone, then when he found several more, he had a hard time figuring out which pine cone he should keep. Sixteen months old, and already an analyst.

KidThree stayed home from school as she didn't feel well. When I got home after watching BabyJ, she was ready to be up and about, so she worked on math and I helped. After that, I went to her school to drop off the work she completed last night and to pick up two more assignments for this evening's homework session. KidThree is working on her schoolwork like she's never done before; it is wonderful to see. When I went to the school to drop off her work, two of the teachers made a point of telling me how hard KidThree has been working and what a treat she's been in class, cheerful and participating. I told them that was the KidThree I've known for years, and that it was about time she let other people know what a terrific kid she really is.

And then, I started working in my bedroom. We moved into this apartment last September--it has taken this long for me to get to work on my room. When we first moved in here, I was still working, and whatever time I had at home was used to try to make KidThree's room and the kitchen functional. Then KidFour showed up, and then KidOne showed up, and then KidOne's bed showed up, and my poor bedroom never got touched, other than to get more piles of stuff added as I moved things around, trying to fit everyone and everything in. But now, now, I got started in there. Oh my, it felt good. It felt marvelous. I got a good-sized spot of carpet cleared (picking up one thing and putting it away, throwing it away, recycling it, whatever), then got going moving the bookcases where they will stay for good. I kept coming across odd socks that had mates in the odd-sock box; that was fun. Yes, I know, it doesn't take much to amuse me. When both the bedrooms are completed cleared, whatever socks are still unmated will be tossed, but for now they live in their box, hoping their partners will be unearthed in my excavations. By this weekend, I should have enough space cleared to move the bed from the living room into my bedroom, then I'll actually be able to sleep in there. It's the little things that make a difference in life, like being able to walk across your bedroom floor and being able to sleep in your own bedroom every night.

Now I'm going back in there to do some more archaeology. If I didn't know the apartment was completely empty when we moved in, I'd think Jimmy Hoffa might be in there.


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