Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hump Day.

Yesterday I finally told KidFour her bad news. I put it off and put it off and put it off because I knew how horrible it was going to be, and it was that horrible. She had NOT seen it coming and was so hurt. She asked if she could come back in the fall to do another semester at Independent Study here and I stuck to my evil adult guns and said no. Then she ran out of the apartment, not returning until after I had left to babysit. When I returned, she was here, but isn't talking to me. Her myspace page says she is an orphan again.

The poor kid. So young and so intelligent and so stupid.

We have thirty-eight cents to our names. Oh, make that thirty-nine--I found a penny on the floor this morning next to my bed. We are almost out of milk and eggs, are out of laundry supplies, are on our last roll of tp. I should get a check around lunch today for $100. My checking account is overdrawn by that much, so if I put the money in there, it will be all swallowed up. I'll try to draw it on their bank instead. Tomorrow I take care of the AmazingA, for which I should be paid immediately, plus she owes me $25 from last week. That can go in the checking account to try to bring it at least closer to a positive balance. My mother said she was mailing $40. That will really help, as it will be cash, so no matter what the state of anyone's bank account I will be able to at least buy a few staples. I should get a check for $597 by Friday; that will cover the car payment, car insurance, and house phone. Next week I will earn only about $100 total, just enough for groceries but not enough for any bill.

Today I have to tell the parents of KidFour that I have maintained the eviction order I gave two weeks ago. This means neither of them will send $$ again; why send good money after bad?

I have to seriously get to work. Yesterday I started--got the children's corner cleared out and the room around the bed cleared so maybe today I can put the new bedframe together. Got to keep plugging away at the project, a little at a time.

And now to read the paper and finish my coffee before it is time to go watch BabyJ.


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