Monday, May 19, 2008

Monday, Monday. . . .

Made it through another week, so the calendar is whacking me again with a new one. All the laundry is done and all the dishes are done. That feels good. The hot temperatures are mostly gone--yesterday it didn't quite make 100 degrees and by Wednesday it will be back to the low eighties. What a relief. This morning when I opened everything up at 4:20, it was blessedly cool outside and now, an hour later, it feels wonderful inside as well.

This morning I babysit BabyJ from 7:30 to 12:30. He is a lovely child, so cheery and inquisitive. I watch him Monday and Wednesday mornings. Thursday morning is the AmazingA. Both those children I watch in their homes. BabyJ is still being nursed and both his parents work from home and enjoy seeing him throughout their day, and the AmazingA's parents are not comfortable with my set-up here. I would love to watch her every single day and am so sorry that I can't. But, got to be home with KidThree most of the time. My secret hope is that I can get this place to a point where the AmazingA's parents will let me watch her (and her older sister, after school hours) here. That is a large part of my incentive for being so focused on the state of this apartment.

So what are today's goals? I think to clear up the living room floor space along the wall opposite the bed. There is a lot of miscellaneous crap down there that should be sorted and tossed or put away. I'll also try to get the playpen put away--it is collapsible, so that should not be much of a chore. If I can get those two things done, I can assign KidFour or KidOne to sweep the carpet in here to try to get it less grubby. KidTwo killed my old vacuum a little while back, so I had been borrowing KidOne's, which she then brought with her when she came to stay. Unfortunately, it has had some sort of breakdown and is not now working. Maybe we can get it to the shop around the end of the week. We sure need a functioning vacuum, given the number of occupants of this apartment and the accompanying manes of hair.

I don't think I'll have enough energy after all that to try to assemble the new bedframe but I might try, depending on who is home and what the weather is and how quickly the floor-clearing can be accomplished.

Kid-related chores for the day: Contact KidFour's teachers to find out her status in their classes. I think she has no chance of passing her two classes at the regular school and will disenroll her if those teachers verify that. She may be passing her Independent Study. I will be waiting for a callback from KidThree's doctor re: our additional questions and requests for referrals to two other specialists.

KidFour has her first appt with a psychologist late this week. It seems almost pointless now that I've decided she just cannot stay past the end of the school year, but maybe it can help her a little with yet another rejection and transition. I will tell her probably tomorrow (since I'll be home all day) so she can know in time to process the situation and talk to the psychologist about it. Drat her blasted parents for not giving me the paperwork I needed to get her health care sooner!

And that is it for this morning's update.


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